Arjan Bajwa, the lead hero of Fashion, was in for a surprise on his recent visit to Delhi. Though he was aware that there is a widespread awareness and curiosity built up around his upcoming film, he didn't have a clue that quite a few politicians too were eagerly awaiting it's release."I was paying a courtesy call to a few people from the political world and was chatting about anything but movies.
Suddenly the talk shifted to Fashion and I was pleasantly surprised to find that people there too are waiting to have a dekko at the film.
I guess they know the kind of reputation that Madhur Sir carries as a film maker and his recent National Award for Traffic Signal has only added on to people at the highest level being aware about his work", details Arjan Bajwa who was recently seen in Summer 2007. Not many are aware that if not an actor, Arjan Bajwa may well have been the blue eyed boy of politics.
This is because he is the son of Late S.S.Bajwa, the BJP ex-Deputy Mayor of Delhi. "I am very much in touch with people with whom dad had worked with over the years. They are all like family and treat me as their son.
When I meet them, discussions could be anything under the sun ranging from life to general to politics and even movies," says Arjan. Apparently politicians like Sushma Swaraj and Venkaiah Naidu amongst others have shown a keen interest in Fashion.
Do such huge expectations make him feel nervous? "Of course they do", Arjan is prompt to reply, "The film has been hyped so much over the year gone by and everyone is expecting nothing but the best from it.
It is surreal to hear people calling it a sure-shot success even though it hasn't been shown to anyone. While working, you don't think about the hype and buzz your film would generate; you just do plain and simple work." "Since the time promos have been air, I have been inundated with queries around the film.
Now I can't wait for 29th October, the day when the film releases. The suspense around public response to the film has been killing. I hope the film gives much more than what they have been looking for and surpasses their expectations", concludes Arjan on a hopeful note.
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